How to install

Easy and safe installation

AutAP provides multiple installation methods, depending on the type of connection.

1. Wired system connection

- A controller (AEU232) is installed in the electrical cabinet, which is connected to the mains and interpolated to the controlled consumables. The controller separately controls the air conditioner and one group of other devices (each via its relay output 20A).

- A wired key holder (AEU240) is connected to the controller to detect the presence of a guest in the apartment. It is installed near the front door.

- Wired window / door detection contacts are connected to the controller (AEU211)

- A key ring with magnetic contact (AEU237) is attached to the key. The pendant is protected from removal.

2. Mixed system connection (wired + wireless)

- A controller (AEU232B) is installed in the electrical cabinet, which is connected to the mains and interpolated to the controlled consumables. The controller separately controls the air conditioner and one group of other devices (each via its relay output 20A).

- A wired key holder (AEU240) is connected to the controller to detect the presence of a guest in the apartment. It is installed near the front door.

- A wireless sensor base station (AEU234) is connected to the controller

- Wireless window / door detection contacts are attached to windows (AEU235)

- A key ring with magnetic contact (AEU237) is attached to the key. The pendant is protected from removal.